EASY Content Server
Vor der Übergabe eines Dokumentes an den EASY Content Server ist es möglich das Schema sowie Feldwerte und Anlagen zu modifizieren oder zu ergänzen. Hier ein Beispiel für ein UserExit:
use Squeeze\xDoc;
use Squeeze\xReturnObject;
// vor Sqeeze 2.5: BeforeExportEasyContentServer statt BeforeEasyContentServerExport
function BeforeEasyContentServerExport(xDoc $doc, stdClass $ecsRecord): xReturnObject
try {
// Create a logger instance (optional)
$logger = Logger::getLogger("main");
// get the Squeeze field with the name "Company"
$company = $doc->getFieldByName('Company');
if($company === null) {
// return an error if the Squeeze field does not exist
return new xReturnObject(false, 500, 'Field Company does not exist', $ecsRecord);
// If the value of the field Company is equal 1000
if($company->getValue()->value == '1000') {
// Change the schema to be Test
$ecsRecord->store = 'Test';
// Modify the document field value to "TestValue" for the field with the name "TestField"
$ecsRecord->fields['TestField'] = 'TestValue';
} else {
// return an error if the field Company is not equal 1000
return new xReturnObject(false, 500, 'Company ' . $company->getValue()->value . ' is invalid', $ecsRecord);
// return a new result with the modified $ecsRecord variable
return new xReturnObject(true, 200, 'UserExit BeforeExportEasyContentServer successful', $ecsRecord);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// in case of an exception return an error
return new xReturnObject(false, 500, $e->getMessage(), $ecsRecord);
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