Vor der Übertragung eines Beleges an einen Workday ERP Tenant ist es möglich Werte anzupassen oder zu ergänzen.
Hier ein Beispiel:
use Squeeze\xDoc;
use Squeeze\xReturnObject;
// vor Squeeze 2.5: BeforeExportWorkday statt BeforeWorkdayExport
function BeforeWorkdayExport(xDoc $doc, array $workdayDoc): xReturnObject
// This UserExit allows to modify the
// Workday data structure right before the document is submitted.
try {
$logger = Logger::getLogger("main");
if (isset($workdayDoc['Supplier_Invoice_Data'])) {
$isInvoice = true;
$rootTag = 'Supplier_Invoice_Data';
} else {
$isInvoice = false;
$rootTag = 'Supplier_Invoice_Adjustment_Data';
if ($isInvoice) {
$workdayDoc[$rootTag]['Adjustment_Reason_Reference']['ID']['_'] = 'Other';
// Remove Accounting_Date_Override (PostingDate)
// =================================================
// iterate over every line item of the document
// =================================================
for($i = 0; $i < count($workdayDoc[$rootTag]['Invoice_Line_Replacement_Data']); $i++) {
// =================================================
// Check if Tax Option is set
// this means it's a reverse charge line item
// =================================================
if (isset($workdayDoc[$rootTag]['Invoice_Line_Replacement_Data'][$i]['Tax_Rate_Options_Data']['Tax_Option_1_Reference']['ID'])) {
// If the Tax Option is set also set the Tax Recoverability
$workdayDoc[$rootTag]['Invoice_Line_Replacement_Data'][$i]['Tax_Rate_Options_Data']['Tax_Recoverability_1_Reference']['ID'] = array('_' => '100%_Fully Recoverable', 'type' => 'Tax_Recoverability_Object_ID');
$logger->debug('Tax Option is set. Set Tax Recoverability to 100%_Fully Recoverable');
return new xReturnObject(true, 200, 'UserExit BeforeExportWorkday successful', $workdayDoc);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$logger = Logger::getLogger("main");
return new xReturnObject(false, 500, $e->getMessage(), $workdayDoc);
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