Archive search of documents
Freeze Searchmask
The Freeze search mask enables a full-text search as well as a search based on table fields according to the Apache Lucene syntax. It is also possible to display results for specific time periods.
1. Full text search
A free search according to Apache Lucene syntax.
2. Folder type filter
Here you can filter the results by folder type (e.g. invoices). This filter is used in combination with the other search parameters.
3. Date filter
The date filter allows you to narrow down the results by archiving or reference date.
4. Table search mask
At this point, select any table whose structure you would like to use as a search mask. The table number is then part of the search.
Apache Lucene-Syntax
A query is divided into terms and operators. There are two types of terms: Single terms and phrases. A single term is a single word such as “test” or “hello”. A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotation marks, such as “hello dolly”.
Multiple terms can be combined with Boolean operators to form a more complex query. The following Boolean operators are supported: AND, OR and NOT. For example, the query “hello AND world” returns documents that contain both the words “hello” and “world”.
The following characters must be escaped in a query: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ “ ~ * ? : \ To escape a character, simply place a backslash (\) in front of the character.
Wildcards can be used to search for words that contain a specific character string. The asterisk (*) stands for zero or more characters, while the question mark (?) stands for exactly one character. The query “te?t”, for example, returns documents containing words such as “test”, “text” and “tent”.
Data record-based search
The data record-based search is always executed when you open Freeze via a data record saved in BC (menu item “DEXPRO Freeze” or key combination CTRL+ALT+F). Here is an example of a vendor:
Typical jumping off points:
- customers
- creditors
- items
- Purchasing documents
- Sales documents
- Posted documents
- Financial accounting journals
- Ledger Entries
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